woman in dental chair receiving sedation

How Much Does Sedation Dentistry Cost in Monmouth County, NJ?

Team Sedation

Do you have severe dental anxiety? Does it prevent you from getting the dental care you need? You’re not alone. An estimated 36% of people suffer from dental anxiety. Sometimes it is a combined fear of the dentist and needles. Whatever the reason, this is such a common phenomenon that sedation dentistry is becoming widely used by dental offices. 

Are you considering sedation dentistry for a procedure you need? If so, you are probably wondering how much it may add to the cost of your procedure. Here’s an idea of what you can expect.

Average Cost of Sedation Dentistry by Type

There are a few different types of sedation used in dentistry and they vary in cost. 

  • Conscious oral sedation: $200-$300. Conscious oral sedation combines nitrous oxide and an oral sedative. This is one of the most affordable types of sedation, and it can be used for most dental procedures. Conscious oral sedation can be administered in most dental offices. 
  • IV Sedation: $500-$1,000 per hour. IV sedation is handled by an anesthesiologist who typically bills by the hour. They also bill in 15 minute increments after the first hour, at an average rate of $150-$250 per quarter hour. IV sedation can be administered in most dental offices. 

Sedation does add to the cost of dental procedures. But if your anxiety is so severe that you won’t be able to get the procedure done otherwise, it is a necessary expense. Most patients feel that it is worth the cost to avoid the stress and fear they would experience otherwise.

What Other Factors Affect the Cost of Sedation Dentistry?

The prices listed above are just average ranges of the cost of sedation dentistry. The actual cost will vary based on a variety of factors, such as:

  • Type and length of your procedure. As you saw above, anesthesiologists bill based on the length of time they administer sedation services. The more complex and time consuming your procedure is, the higher your total cost of sedation will be on top of the cost of the procedure itself.  
  • Where you live. Your geographic location determines the cost of living in the area, which affects every type of service, including dentistry. Large cities with dense populations tend to have a higher cost of living, and therefore higher dental and medical costs than small towns and rural areas. 
  • The dentist you choose. Not all dentists will quote you the same price for sedation dentistry. They will generally try to stay competitive with other dentists in the area, which helps to keep costs reasonable.
  • The anesthesiologist they use. Dentists typically have one or a short list of anesthesiologists they work with for sedation dentistry procedures, and each may have slightly different rates.

Sedation Dentistry at Progressive Periodontics and Implant Dentistry

Do you need a dental procedure that is causing you severe anxiety and fear? Consider sedation to help you get through it much more easily. If you have a fear of needles or of not being in control, consider conscious oral sedation. With this method you are remain conscious, but typically completely relaxed with the help of a pill and nitrous oxide. This option can be used for most dental procedures and has helped many patients get the care they need.  If greater sedation needs including longer time periods are required, an anesthesiologist can be utilized in our office.

Progressive Periodontics and Implant Dentistry specializes in sedation dentistry. Dr. Gordon was one of the first dentists in New Jersey to receive certification in conscious oral sedation. We provide compassion and understanding of your fears, helping you get the dental care you need in a comfortable and relaxed environment. 

Call today to schedule an appointment at one of our convenient locations:

Eatontown Office:  732-389-3400

Howell Office: 732-364-2025

Request an Appointment at either office. 

We look forward to helping you get the dental care you need in a relaxed, safe environment.