Sedation Dentistry in Monmouth County, NJ

Our goal is for you to be as comfortable as possible during your visit to our office. Dr. Gordon and the staff at Progressive Periodontics & Implant Dentistry are caring, compassionate, and empathetic with patients who experience dental anxiety and phobias. Not all patients have a positive history with dentistry, but we’re confident that with our friendly team and gentle care, we can help you feel better about your next appointment with sedation dentistry.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

To help put your mind at ease during your procedure, we are certified to provide nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, to our patients. This inhaled sedative calms patients who feel uneasy, but they remain fully conscious while we work. You may feel a bit lightheaded and experience heaviness in your arms and legs, but other side effects are rare. Once the mask is removed, the effects of the nitrous oxide wear off quickly, which is why it’s a preferred method of sedation for children as well as adults.

Oral Sedation

Many of our patients are not familiar with oral (enteral) sedation. Dr. Gordon was among the first group of dentists in New Jersey to obtain certification for this form of oral sedation, a safe and effective alternative to IV sedation and general anesthesia. With enteral conscious sedation, an oral sedative is combined with nitrous oxide and local anesthetic to numb the area where we’re working. Patients are conscious and responsive during their procedure, but feel relaxed. Afterwards, they usually only have vague memories of what happened during their appointment. Oral sedation is low-risk, but it does not wear off as quickly as nitrous oxide alone, so you will need to arrange for someone to drive you home after your procedure.

IV Sedation

In more advanced cases, an anesthesiologist can be utilized to sedate more heavily for the longer procedures.

Dr. Gordon believes in making your dental treatment as comfortable as possible while providing the expert care you deserve. We are committed to helping you overcome any anxiety you feel about your procedure. Call our office to learn more and schedule an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sedation for Periodontal Procedures

What type of sedation is used for dental implants?

The type of sedation we use for dental implants depends on the extent of your procedure and your level of anxiety to dental therapy. Nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”), oral sedation, and IV sedation are all options for periodontal procedures and dental implant surgery. All periodontal and implant surgery will have local anesthetic used to numb the area to be addressed.  The local anesthesia will take away pain sensation but not the feeling of pressure or the sound of the treatment being performed.  Some patients request “mental” sedation where the use of the sedative agents are applied.

Can you feel pain when sedated?

Sedation helps you feel relaxed; local anesthesia is used to ensure that you don’t feel any pain during your procedure. We use local anesthesia and, as needed, sedation together to keep you calm and comfortable for your treatment—you won’t experience any pain while we work, although you may feel some pressure and movement, depending on the procedure and the type of sedation used.

Is sedation the same as being put to sleep?

While some patients refer to sedation as being “put to sleep”, it’s not quite the same. First, there are a range of sedation options and most simply help you relax during your procedure, not sleep. Patients may sleep—or feel like they are sleeping—with IV sedation, but they are still technically conscious.

Is conscious sedation safer than general anesthesia?

Yes, conscious sedation is safer than general anesthesia. While general anesthesia is also safe, conscious sedation is safer because patients are still conscious and able to breathe without support. Conscious oral sedation is ideal for patients who need a sedative option stronger than nitrous oxide, while IV sedation is recommended for anyone who needs extensive periodontal or implant treatment or has severe dental anxiety.

What are the side effects of nitrous oxide?

Nitrous Oxide is an incredibly safe means of offering relaxation effects. The effects of the nitrous oxide are eliminated typically within 5 minutes of the gas being withdrawn and being given oxygen. You can drive and perform normal function at that time. Side effects with nitrous oxide are mild and resolve shortly after the mask is removed.

Is IV sedation the same as general anesthesia?

No, IV sedation is not the same as general anesthesia. The two terms are often used interchangeably, which can cause confusion, but with IV sedation, you are still conscious—you can respond to stimuli and verbal cues and breathe on your own. Despite this, you will likely have no memory of your procedure because the medications used for IV sedation have amnesic effects. In contrast, during general anesthesia, you are unable to be aroused, you need support for breathing, and your vital signs need to be closely monitored. You are fully unconscious with general anesthesia.