What to Expect After a Crown Lengthening Procedure

Team Crown Lengthening

Are you in need of a crown lengthening procedure? This is a common dental procedure that involves making changes to the gums and support structure of the tooth so that more of the tooth is exposed to allow for restoration. 

Crown lengthening serves a few different purposes. For some, it addresses cosmetic issues, removing excess gum tissue to improve the appearance of the teeth. For others, crown lengthening is performed in preparation for the placement of an artificial crown or Veneer. Whatever the reason, if you’re planning to have the procedure, you may want to know what to expect afterwards.

Pain Management Following Crown Lengthening

During your procedure your gum tissue will be numbed so that you don’t feel any pain. Sedation agents can be given to make you more relaxed during the procedure.  After the procedure when the anesthetic wears off you may feel some discomfort. Most of the time, over the counter pain medications such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and acetaminophen (Tylenol), can help to reduce any discomfort. Sometimes, a codeine product is prescribed. If you take a pain reliever before your anesthetic wears off you may not feel any pain at all. Continue to take pain medication as needed for the first few days following your procedure. Follow the directions of your doctor exactly to minimize any issues.

What to Eat Right After the Procedure

Do not attempt to eat anything until after the anesthetic has worn off. Chewing when you are still numb can cause you to accidentally bite your cheeks, lips, or tongue. Once you are able to eat, be sure to avoid eating in the area where the procedure was performed. Stay away from anything particularly hard or crunchy like nuts,chips or popcorn. Avoid spicy or salty foods that could irritate your gum tissue. Be sure to eat plenty of protein to promote healing.

Recovery Timeframe

You can expect any soreness to subside greatly after the first few days. In about a week you should feel back to normal. Of course recovery times vary from patient to patient. It may take longer for patients who have any medical conditions that can slow the natural healing process. You will recover faster if you follow your dentist’s instructions and avoid foods that could irritate or damage your newly formed gum tissue. Avoiding alcohol and smoking will accelerate your recovery time. Taking vitamin supplements can also aid in faster healing.

Your Appearance

You will be able to see the difference in your teeth and gums immediately. At first you may experience some swelling of the gum tissue that could make it seem as if the gum tissue has not been altered enough, but as the swelling subsides the results will be more dramatic. The gums may appear red due to inflammation for the first few days- this is a normal part of the healing process. You may even have some minor bleeding in the first few hours following your crown lengthening procedure. If your bleeding becomes severe, call your dentist.

Follow Up

Your dentist will want you to come in for a follow up appointment a week or two after your procedure to make sure your gum tissue is healing properly. If your crown lengthening procedure was in preparation for a crown, you may be scheduled for that procedure once your gum tissue has had time to heal. Typically, the gum and support needs at least 2 or months to fully mature where the gum height stabilizes and is ready for any new restorations.  The area is comfortable but still maturing during this period.

Crown Lengthening at Progressive Periodontics and Implant Dentistry

If you’re looking for the right periodontist to perform your crown lengthening procedure, Dr. Marc E. Gordon at Progressive Periodontics and Implant Dentistry has 25+ of experience and has performed thousands of these types of procedures. Always keeping up to date with current technology and best practices, Dr. Gordon will perform your procedure in the least invasive way possible so that you can experience a faster recovery.

Call 732-389-3400 today to schedule a consultation at our Eatontown office or 732-364-2025 for our Howell office. You can also request an appointment. We look forward to providing you with top quality care.